Redefine Dichotomies: Asian Diaspora Stories

Being part of the Asian diaspora (e.g., Asian American, Asian Canadian, Asian European) can feel dichotomous at times. Eastern and Western values sometimes feel at odds and it can be challenging to feel like you truly “belong” in either culture. But being Asian shouldn’t preclude you from being American (or Canadian, European, etc.). Identity isn’t a zero-sum game, where the more “Asian” you are, the less “American” you are (or vice versa).

Now more than ever, it's important to explore and amplify our stories. In the US, violence against Asian Americans has been disheartening and frustrating, but it's important to realize that this isn't the only form of racism. Racism isn't always overt; it can be more subtle and appear as unconscious biases or microaggressions that even well-intentioned people maintain.

I'm working to subvert some of these biases and humanize Asian diaspora experiences. Hopefully these stories help people 1. embrace ostensibly different parts of their identity (e.g., being both Asian and American) and allow them to coexist, 2. understand the similarities we share as humans, and 3. learn from one another’s differences.

Read more about my Asian American experiences and follow along on instagram to stay up to date! If you know someone I should talk to (as I know the potential echo chamber limits of my own network), feel free to reach out!

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Tags: 1.5 generation; Canada; East Asian / East Asia; edtech; entrepreneurship; fintech; first generation; food and beverage; healthcare; living / traveling abroad; mixed; music; Pacific Islander / Pacific Islands; photography; podcast; second generation; South Asian / South Asia; Southeast Asian / Southeast Asia; third culture kid; travel; writing